showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Dragon Quest  Enix (Chunsoft)1986 adv-perks adv-static alternatefailures amoeboids animateobjects axes bizarrecreatures blankprotagonist bludgeons bossbattles captives censored chiroptera combatmode consoleclassix dragonquest dragons encounters-random encounters-set encounters-unseen forest ghosts giantscorpions healthregen inventory knights langearlymodernenglish lightbridges meleeweapons menus monsters mystics neutralnpcs noalternatives playerprofiles premadeprotagonist protagonistnaming ruins savepassword saveram shopping singleencounterrespawn skeletons sorcery subterranean swords town toxins undead walking werewolves wolves xp-kills zombies labelimagesubject
Metro-Cross  Namco (Now Production)1986 animateobjects jumping score skateboard timelimit walking wiiuvirtualconsole labelimageminimize
Mickey Mousecapade  Capcom;Hudson Soft (Hudson Soft)1987 animateobjects anthroprotagonist birds consoleclassix crossover disney domesticcats fish forest ladders lives mickeymouse mouseprotagonist nofalldamage pirates refaliceinwonderland rodentprotagonist score scorpions snakes spiders labelimagesubject
City Adventure Touch: Mystery of Triangle  Toho (Compile)1987 animateobjects birds bossbattles chiroptera city domesticcats forest ghosts inventory lagomorphs limitedcapacity manga mice mp-cooperative rescue skeletons thrownweapons unarmedfighting ursines walking labelimageminimize
Noah's Ark Konami;Matchbox;Piko Interactive (Source Research and Development)1991 africa alligators amphibians animateobjects antarctica asia australia bees birds bossbattles caterpillars censored cetaceans chiroptera cnidarians crabs crocodiles crocodilians dragons ducks eagles earth elderlyprotagonist europe fish flood frog giantanimals hedgehogs ichthyoids insects jumping killerwhales lagomorphs livesnowman lobsters mice mollusk monsters mosquitoes motorboat mummies mutants ninja northamerica notnintendocontentguid ocean oceanworld octopus owls pandas parrots penguin plantcreatures prehistoric progressleft rapidmovementplants rats scorpions skunks snails snakes southamerica spiders stonemen undead uvl-descriptionincomplete walking walruses labelimagesubject
Mickey's Safari in Letterland Hi-Tech Expressions;Playtronic (Beam)1993 ♫mozarttwinklestar alligators animateobjects anthropomorphism anthroprotagonist cartoon chiroptera clams disney ducks edu-graphemes forest fungus-mushrooms hedgehogs hippo jungle letters livesnowman mice mickeymouse mouseprotagonist mycoids otherworld parrots penguin pinnipeds rodentprotagonist rodents rubegoldbergmachine ruins seals snakes speechsynthesis subterranean testudines wasteland wetland wintery labelimagesubject
Sack of Flour, Heart of Gold ?2002 animateobjectprotagonist animateobjects anthropomorphism homebrew noupc labelimagesubject